We have 3 categories below to shop from!


Pothos (multiple varieties)

6" Pots (Grown from our Hydroponic Line)

Florida Green


Ginny Monstera

"Rhaphidophora tetrasperma"

Whale Fin Snake Plant

"Sansevieria masoniana"

Dwarf Umbrella Tree (Trinette)


Moonshine Ficus

"Ficus Elastica (Shivereana)"

Swiss Cheese Vine

"Monstera Adonsonii"

Heart Leaf Philodendron

"Philodendron Cordatum'

Satin Pothos

"Scindapsus Pictus"


Japanese Maple

"Acer Palmatum", 16" tree pot

Norway Spruce

"Picea Abies", 16" tree pot, 3 gal pot

Thornless Honey Locust

"Gleditsia Triacanthos", 16" tree pot

Red Maple

"Acer Rubrum", 16" tree pot, 3 gal pot

River Birch

"Betula Nigra", 3 gal pot

Austrian Pine

"Pinus Nigra", 3 gal pot


Ostrich Fern

"Matteuccia Struthiopteris", 1 gal pot

Elephant Ears

"Esculenta", 1 gal pot

Daylily Red Ribs

"Hemerocallis", 1 gal pot

Daylily Hyperion

"Hemerocallis", 1 gal pot

Daylily Purple D'oro

"Hemerocallis", 1 gal pot

Yellow Tree Peony

"Paeonia High Noon", 1 gal pot

August Moon Hosta

1 gal pot

Big Daddy Hosta

1 gal pot

Halcyon Hosta

1 gal pot

Minuteman Hosta

1 gal pot

Sum & Substance Hosta

1 gal pot

Black-Eyed Susan

"Rudbeckia Hirta", 1 gal pot

Purple Coneflower

"Echinacea Purpurea", 1 gal pot

Patriot Hosta

1 gal pot

Plant Questions